Untimely Meds
Untimely Meds — The Most Radical Podcast on the Internet
1 | Between Logos and Chaos

1 | Between Logos and Chaos

Out of the Postmodern Confusion

In this first episode, we discuss a short essay by the Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin called “The Metaphysics of Chaos.” The piece is from the appendix to the 2012 English edition of The Fourth Political Theory, a kind of political science for dummies for those looking for a way out of the postmodern morass the contemporary West now finds itself in.

Our conversation is less a deep exposition of Dugin and his thought than an exploration of the contemporary world and its potentialities. Dugin’s work is used simply as a jumping off place and a touchstone to which we periodically return to help explicate what is at stake in today’s political and cultural upheaval.

For those interested in reading the essay, it can be accessed here, starting on page 232.

(John 1:1-5)

Untimely Meds
Untimely Meds — The Most Radical Podcast on the Internet
Conversations that go beyond the news cycle, beyond the "takes," and beyond the so-called culture war to get to the bottom of what is going on today. From the Latin radicalis, meaning “roots,” this show is “radical” because what is sought is the origin of things, the foundations of our world. For in an age of uncertainty, the only medication is untimely meditations.
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Jeremy B. Sheeler